Hip Injury Boise ID

Hip Injuries
People usually associate hip injuries with the elderly. And it is usually elderly people who suffer from broken hips. However, they are not the only people who injure their hips. There are many different types of hip injuries and they can be suffered by people of any age.
Hip injuries can be caused by a few things, but falls and overuse are the most common causes. These can take place either in an accident, fall or a workplace accident. If you have suffered from a hip injury, you should contact an injury attorney in Boise.
Workers’ compensation and injury attorneys handle all sorts of cases. They represent clients who suffer all types of injuries, including hip injuries. Depending on the type of injury, you may need surgery or physical therapy. You may be laid up for a few weeks or a few months. You may even end up permanently disabled.
Types of Hip Injuries
There are both minor and serious hip injuries. Aside from hip fractures suffered from older people, here are a few of the types of generic hip injuries you may suffer:
- Dislocated hip
- Hip fracture
- Muscle and tendon strains
- Labral tears
- Bursitis
Since hips control a lot of our movements, if you injure a hip you will be out of commission for a while. You won’t be able to walk without assistance and you certainly won’t be able to work, even if you work a desk job. You will be in a lot of pain and will need to undergo physical therapy to restore your hips to normal.
Causes of Hip Injuries
These injuries can be caused any number of ways. One common way is in a motor vehicle accident. If you are a commercial driver or operate certain types of equipment for work, you could find yourself with a hip injury.
Another common cause for hip injuries is repetitive use. If you are constantly rotating the same part of your body for work, you may overwork the joints. This can lead to painful injuries. They may not be as debilitating as a hip fracture or broken bone, but they may still require extensive medical treatment.
How Can a Boise Attorney Help?
If you suffer a hip injury, you may have no idea what to do. You may not even be sure how you hurt yourself. If it was at work, you will need to file a workers’ compensation claim. If it happened outside of work but still prevents you from doing your job, you will have to file a disability claim.
An experienced workers’ comp lawyer will guide you through the steps you need to take. They will know whether you have a rightful claim or not. They will be able to give you an idea of how much your benefits may be and how long you may be entitled to receive them.
The insurance companies are going to want to get you back to work as soon as possible. They are going to want to pay you for as short a time as possible. This is why it’s important to have a lawyer.
Contact a hip injury lawyer in Boise today to schedule your free consultation. You can ask any questions you may have an get a roadmap for what the next few months may have in store.

Hip Injuries
People usually associate hip injuries with the elderly. And it is usually elderly people who suffer from broken hips. However, they are not the only people who injure their hips. There are many different types of hip injuries and they can be suffered by people of any age.
Hip injuries can be caused by a few things, but falls and overuse are the most common causes. These can take place either in an accident, fall or a workplace accident. If you have suffered from a hip injury, you should contact an injury attorney in Boise.
Workers’ compensation and injury attorneys handle all sorts of cases. They represent clients who suffer all types of injuries, including hip injuries. Depending on the type of injury, you may need surgery or physical therapy. You may be laid up for a few weeks or a few months. You may even end up permanently disabled.
Types of Hip Injuries
There are both minor and serious hip injuries. Aside from hip fractures suffered from older people, here are a few of the types of generic hip injuries you may suffer:
- Dislocated hip
- Hip fracture
- Muscle and tendon strains
- Labral tears
- Bursitis
Since hips control a lot of our movements, if you injure a hip you will be out of commission for a while. You won’t be able to walk without assistance and you certainly won’t be able to work, even if you work a desk job. You will be in a lot of pain and will need to undergo physical therapy to restore your hips to normal.
Causes of Hip Injuries
These injuries can be caused any number of ways. One common way is in a motor vehicle accident. If you are a commercial driver or operate certain types of equipment for work, you could find yourself with a hip injury.
Another common cause for hip injuries is repetitive use. If you are constantly rotating the same part of your body for work, you may overwork the joints. This can lead to painful injuries. They may not be as debilitating as a hip fracture or broken bone, but they may still require extensive medical treatment.
How Can a Boise Attorney Help?
If you suffer a hip injury, you may have no idea what to do. You may not even be sure how you hurt yourself. If it was at work, you will need to file a workers’ compensation claim. If it happened outside of work but still prevents you from doing your job, you will have to file a disability claim.
An experienced workers’ comp lawyer will guide you through the steps you need to take. They will know whether you have a rightful claim or not. They will be able to give you an idea of how much your benefits may be and how long you may be entitled to receive them.
The insurance companies are going to want to get you back to work as soon as possible. They are going to want to pay you for as short a time as possible. This is why it’s important to have a lawyer.
Contact a hip injury lawyer in Boise today to schedule your free consultation. You can ask any questions you may have an get a roadmap for what the next few months may have in store.

Hip Injuries
People usually associate hip injuries with the elderly. And it is usually elderly people who suffer from broken hips. However, they are not the only people who injure their hips. There are many different types of hip injuries and they can be suffered by people of any age.
Hip injuries can be caused by a few things, but falls and overuse are the most common causes. These can take place either in an accident, fall or a workplace accident. If you have suffered from a hip injury, you should contact an injury attorney in Boise.
Workers’ compensation and injury attorneys handle all sorts of cases. They represent clients who suffer all types of injuries, including hip injuries. Depending on the type of injury, you may need surgery or physical therapy. You may be laid up for a few weeks or a few months. You may even end up permanently disabled.
Types of Hip Injuries
There are both minor and serious hip injuries. Aside from hip fractures suffered from older people, here are a few of the types of generic hip injuries you may suffer:
- Dislocated hip
- Hip fracture
- Muscle and tendon strains
- Labral tears
- Bursitis
Since hips control a lot of our movements, if you injure a hip you will be out of commission for a while. You won’t be able to walk without assistance and you certainly won’t be able to work, even if you work a desk job. You will be in a lot of pain and will need to undergo physical therapy to restore your hips to normal.
Causes of Hip Injuries
These injuries can be caused any number of ways. One common way is in a motor vehicle accident. If you are a commercial driver or operate certain types of equipment for work, you could find yourself with a hip injury.
Another common cause for hip injuries is repetitive use. If you are constantly rotating the same part of your body for work, you may overwork the joints. This can lead to painful injuries. They may not be as debilitating as a hip fracture or broken bone, but they may still require extensive medical treatment.
How Can a Boise Attorney Help?
If you suffer a hip injury, you may have no idea what to do. You may not even be sure how you hurt yourself. If it was at work, you will need to file a workers’ compensation claim. If it happened outside of work but still prevents you from doing your job, you will have to file a disability claim.
An experienced workers’ comp lawyer will guide you through the steps you need to take. They will know whether you have a rightful claim or not. They will be able to give you an idea of how much your benefits may be and how long you may be entitled to receive them.
The insurance companies are going to want to get you back to work as soon as possible. They are going to want to pay you for as short a time as possible. This is why it’s important to have a lawyer.
Contact a hip injury lawyer in Boise today to schedule your free consultation. You can ask any questions you may have an get a roadmap for what the next few months may have in store.